Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, I have been off on another blogging hiatus again. It seems life has a way of keeping me busy and since I haven't been training, I haven't been blogging. To catch things up to speed a bit, I spent Thanksgiving & Christmas in New York with my family, but returned to DC for New Year's Eve. What a night that was! :0)

On Saturday before my break ended, I made sure to test out a new class at Potomac Crossfit. Needless to say, I couldn't walk down the stairs without feeling like my legs would buckle any second until Tuesday! Yikes! I am excited to begin my regular Foundations classes on January 19th, though I am not sure how my body will hold up to a Monday & Wednesday work out schedule..?

In other news I test rode some bikes over the weekend and seemed to fall in love with the Cervelo P1, formally known as the P2 SL. Even though I test rode the P2C, I couldn't feel the difference that the carbon frame made. Maybe that's my neophyte thinking, maybe it's because it was such a short test ride. Either way, I am saving my pennies to get the new P1. :0)
Which brings me to my MOST exciting news.....I officially signed up for Timberman 70.3!
Woo-hoo! It's funny how just registering for an event can put you in such a euphoric place! :o) :o)

And so...I will end on that high note. For now I probably won't be blogging too frequently....not until February that is. That's when I decided to start training for my March 26th race - the GW Parkway 10 Miler. And that folks, is when my season officially begins!
Until next healthy & happy!