Saturday, October 4, 2008

NOT Hitting The Ground Running...

So I know I said I was "hitting the ground running" once October rolled around but...I'm not, but I believe I have a good excuse. I was rear ended a few weeks ago and after the accident my back went from a little stiff to a miserable piercing/pinching pain. For those of you that don't know me, which is probably the majority of people reading this, I have a herniated disc that acts up now and then. However, up until the accident I was doing fine. Needless to say I have been visiting my fabulous chiropractor and she is getting me moving again, one visit at a time. Basically, I am feeling a hell of a lot better than I was during the last two weeks, but I am still not 100%. Oh yeah...and when I told my chiropractor that I was training for triathlons and my goal was to do a half iron...she sorta got mad at me. But...we all make choices in life and I know I have back problems now and then, and yes I have had 2 knee surgeries on one knee is short. Plus, I figure by the time I actually need a knee replacement they will have excellent technology then, so I'm all set! :-)

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