Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I lied...

I did not start training for my tri season this month. I didn't even run! :( But...I have been going to the gym! Woo-hoo! I officially graduated from my Foundations class at Potomac Crossfit on February 11th. Two days later I left for New York to see my family, only to return to Virginia, but not the gym! Wuh-wuh-wuh! Twelve days (yes, you read that correctly) went by before I managed to make it back to the gym. However, this is now my third day back and I already feel better.

In tri news (that is what this blog is supposed to be about right? LOL) I have a preseason meeting with my tri team, Team Z, this Saturday. Next week we get things started with clinics and whatnot, along with good old fashioned run/bike/swim workouts. Surprising, I know! ;)

So that's all I really have to report for now. Nothing too exciting, but at least I am posting on here. Let's see if I get better about that now that my "sports" life is picking back up. Until next time...

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