Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok so I made up my own WOD last night. Totally gassed after taking so many days off. Wuh-wuh-wuh!

Thrusters 75#

Cool down:
Handstand Holds

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday 11/10 and the last few days...

Tuesday 11/10
Today was my first day back at the gym in a week as I was sick and still am. This cough keeps hanging on and I'm still congested. Super.

5 Rounds (Timed seperately - so I didn't further exacerbate this cough...) @ 55lbs

5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans (I always mess these up)
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats

Round 1: 1:14
Round 2: 1:11
Round 3: 1:08
Round 4: 1:12
Round 5: 1:08

Didn't go to the gym Wednesday (moving), Thursday (Metallica concert), Friday (lazy ass) or Saturday (moving again).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Calling all L1's...this if for you

So I'm going in for arthroscopic knee surgery on 12/28 and my doctor has already told me "no weights" until then. Yeah right! For one, my knee generally doesn't hurt me during WOD's and if it does, then I slow it down. Secondly, I'm stubborn and I'm not calling it a day before I'm supposed to get my L1. Here is where you come in: Knowing that I will be walking immediately after the surgery, in your opinion, am I still going to be okay for my L1 Cert that is a month post op?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Bear 11.4.09

Today was my first semi "healthy" day back at the gym. Half of my students are sick and my aide has the flu (and by half I mean 3 out of my 6 kids were out). Nice. It's no wonder I am battling this garbage. Anywho...

The Bear - initial thoughts: not bad, love lifting, loathe met-cons. This should be a good workout. Never even thought of it as a "complex". That's the real blond in me. :) I got this one off CF Regina up in Canada. Was intrigued and since I am back to building strength, I thought this would be a good one to do.

Next, let me just tell you what a dumb ass I am. I wrote this down as "5 Rounds of 7 reps - Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press". Then I got to thinking that maybe the second push press should actually be shoulder press. Duh! I did this with 55# and instead of breaking the WOD up correctly, I read it as: do 7 power cleans, then 7 front squats, then 7 push presses, followed by 7 back squats and finally 7 shoulder presses. Repeat this for 5 rounds. I must be a ruh-tard because that is TOTALLY wrong! Since I didn't want to make this too "met-connish", I did each round while timing myself and then I gave myself a 3 minute rest before I started the next round. Let me also add that by the second round, I was no longer able to do the shoulder press with good form so I changed it back to push press (like it was supposed to be).

Round 1 - 2:26
Round 2 - 2:13
Round 3 - 2:29
Round 4 - 1:54
Round 5 - 1:54

Overall I give this workout 2 thumbs up and would tell anyone to go for it. But before you do...make sure you watch this video first OR have someone who knows what the eff they're doing demonstrate it for you. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friggin' Knee

Went to the docs yesterday. Result: torn medial meniscus. I. Knew. It. So...doing arthroscopic surgery on 12/28 to take the rest of it out. Note - this is knee surgery numero tres on my left knee and the second one dealing with my meniscus. Maybe I can get a "frequent shoppers" discount....?

Okay...I'm out.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday 11/2

Coming down with something. Feel like crap. Just want to go home and sleep. Think I'm passing up the gym today so that I can get over feeling like crap.

CF Total 11/1

Did a CrossFit total for the first time since 9/23. Haven't made much improvement at all since 1.) I haven't been working out as consistently as I should and 2.) I haven't been eating paleo.
:( Wuh-wuh-wuh. My numbers only went up in one area.

Deadlift 185
Shoulder Press 75
Back Squat 145