Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another day at the gym

Backsquats 5-5-5-3-3-1-1
Warmed up with handstand holds and jump roping. Waited around to get the only backsquat bar and quickly remembered how much I hate Globo Gym. Typical Globo Gym goers routine: Lift a set, stand around, get a drink, change the song on my iPod, look at myself in the mirror, repeat. Argh! Finally got on the bar and warmed up with 45# bar. I can say that my squat is pretty damn good (and I'm also pretty damn short) because I was banging the bar on the "safety" bar type thing that would keep my bar from completely dropping to the floor and crushing me. No it wasn't a Smith machine. Took my shoes off as I don't have WL shoes yet and anticipated getting yelled at again for not having my shoes on. Another argh!

Yesterday I stated that the Melissa Byers post really got me motivated. However, in part of her post she said that she was only allowed to whine for 10 mins and then get over it and workout. Keep in mind, she is going to a CF box to train. Keep in mind, I am at a Globo Gym. When I bitch and moan it's no longer about the strength I have lost, but what idiots the other gym goers are and how much I miss the box at PCF (and let's not forget the people at PCF too). Gotta love getting interrupted by some meat head when I'm banging out my sets of 5-5-5-3-3-1-1 and he is going to do a few reps and then rest twice as long. Argh.

Ok - signing off for now folks.

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