Friday, October 23, 2009

WOD Updates 10/19 & 10/21

Monday 10/19
Run 400 M
30 DL @ 135#
10 burpees
Run 400 M
20 DL @ 135#
20 burpees
Run 400 M
10 DL @ 135#
30 burpees
Time: S-L-O-W = 28:57 (with a pee break in there...)

Really loved this workouk despite the running and burpees! ;) Was initially worries about someone trying to move in on my bar when I went outside to run, but luckily no one did. Did most DL's in sets of 10 and burpees in sets of 5.

Wednesday 10/21
Today I did Snatch Balance instead of the PCF WOD. Numbers looked like this:
10 Reps @ 45#
3 Reps @ 50#
3 Reps @ 55#
3 Reps @ 60#
3 Reps @ 65#
1RM @ 70#
1 last solid rep @ 60# before I called it a day

Was focusing on form today though I still wanted to go a tad heavier. I get nervous being in Globo Gym and knowing that I can’t ditch the weight (not rubber plates and it's against the "gym rules". Feel like I was effing up my footing/stance after the initial dip/drive into squat position. Liked working on this though. Could definitely use coaching on better form.

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