Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm not good....

...about posting on this thing every day! So here it is...

Friday 10/23
5 sets for time - 10 front squats 65-65-65-55-55-(45 bar)
10 push jerks 65-65-65-55-55-(45 bar)
Couldn't remember if it was 5 sets or 6 sets so I did 5 and then added another set on afterward. Don't know my time because my watch malfunctioned. Last time I checked it was high 8's so I'd say really high 8 mins or low 9 mins.

Monday 10/26
Warm up: handstand holds, bodyweight squats and dumb bell swings 30#

Deadlift: Round 1 - 5 reps @ 60% max = 75#
Round 2 - 5 reps @ 90% max = 125#

Shoulder Press: Same thing as above = 45# and 60#

Push Press: Same as above = 45# and 60#

Cool down: handstand holds and jump rope (singles)

Quick explanation behind today's workout: I was reading Melissa Byer's blog and I could totally relate to her whole "Life Stuff" getting in the way of our schedules/routines. Like Byers, my workout ethic, eating habits and sleeping habits have been sh*t since July. After moving back to New York, I took a huge hiatus from the gym. I used my aching knees and the lack of a CF box as my excuse not to join a Globo Gym. Basically, I had every excuse as to why I didn't couldn't work out. No bueno! I thought by signing up for my L1 Cert I'd get my ass in gear....however that really hasn't happened yet. So far, I've had a few good weeks, mixed in with a few crappy weeks. Byer's post really hit home with me when she talked about how sh*tty she felt when she did go to the gym because she had lost so much strength. My met con times suck ass and my strength has plummeted. Although a lot of it simply has to do with not going to the gym...there is also eating poorly and never getting enough sleep. So this is my public pledge to make an honest attempt at getting better in all 3 arenas! For the next 4-6 weeks, I am going to be following Crossfit 603's program of lifting 4 times a week and slowly building back up my strength. This means lots of deadlifts, presses etc. I'm going to love it! Starting November 1st, I will also be weighing and measuring my food, something I've never done. So there it is folks. Time to get strong again!

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