Friday, January 15, 2010

Falling behind on posting...

But my eating has been pretty solid. Eggs & bacon for breakfast, apples or a protein shake for snack, salad w/ tuna for lunch and various meat for dinner. Went to Red Lobster last night. Didn't drink alcohol or touch my rice, but I had a cheddar bay biscuit. And...I had some chocolate covered almonds while I was in Wegmans. They were SO good. :) This morning I had my first cup of coffee all week. Half caffeine, 1 spoon of turbinado (sugar in the raw) and a douse of creamer. Today I had to stop for breakfast because I didn't premake anything or have time to cook, so I stopped at Dunkin Donuts. Got a sausage, egg and cheese on biscuit and then canned the biscuit at work. Not ideal, but better than nothing at all. Another apple for snack, salad for lunch with olive oil & balsamic vinegar & slices almonds. After the gym I had a burger from Five Guys - - also ditched the bun. Not normally this hungry after the gym but because I didn't have any protein with lunch, I was starved. Dinner was pork tenderloin, corn and a few bites of homemade seafood salad.

Wed. 1/13 - Backsquat 45# bar
DL 95-115-155 (5 reps)
Push Press 45-55-65 (10 reps)

Thurs. 1/14 - Rest Day

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