Friday, January 15, 2010

I <3 PRs

And I heart heavy lifting. I could live the rest of my life and *probably* never do another metcon again and I'd be perfectly happy as long as I could lift. Set some PRs today after being at a standstill for a long time. Seriously notice a difference in my lifting because of my cleaner eating. Here are the details....
DL (3 reps): 135 - 145 - 155 - 165 - 170 - 175(1) - 180(1) - 185(1) - 190(1) PR
Bench Press (5 reps): 45 - 55 - 65 - 75 - 85 (1) - 90(1) - 90(1)PR

Funny side note: I sort of accidentally kicked the clock off the wall at the gym today while doing handstands. And when I say "clock", I'm talking a 3.5 foot clock with the globo gym logo emblazoned on it. I honestly thought it was hilarious and didn't give a crap about it. Instead, I kept handstanding, jump roping and air squatting. :) Love. It. Count this as my nonviolent way to sh*t on the globo gym that serves free bagels on the second Tuesday of the month. Blah.

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