Monday, January 4, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

I'm just going to get this out in the open and be done with it. I lied. Back on October 23rd I said that I was going to start the heavy lifting program of Crossfit 603 for 4-6 weeks. Well folks...I didn't. And I'm not going to come up with some lame excuse, just to make myself feel better, as to why it didn't happen. I just didn't do it. I also didn't weigh/measure my food starting on November 1st. LOSER. I know. But...I am here to say that I am ready to do something about it. I swear.

What to do, you ask? Well...I am starting the heavy lifting program again because this lady needs her strength back. And on January 10th I am hopping aboard the PCF Paleo Challenge. So there it is folks...6 weeks of lifting heavy sh*t, coupled with a 5 week Paleo Challenge. I know my CF track record sucks since I moved back to NY, but honestly...I got this one.

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