Monday, January 18, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

So...I didn't go to the gym on Saturday like I was supposed to. Instead I slept in, made some breakfast and then got ready to go to Ithaca with Jonny. It was a nice winter day, by NY standards - - sunny and about 41 out. So we drove along Cayuga Lake and stopped at about 5-6 wineries before we headed back into Ithaca for dinner. For dinner I had gumbo (which included rice). It was good, but Jonny will be eating most of it as leftovers. Sunday I got up and went to the gym to work on backsquats. Ate paleo all day, with the exception of a glass of Pino Noir and 2 sugar cookies after dinner. Dinner however, was pretty damn good. I had marinated venison tenderloin in the fridge with Merlot, Worcestershire, soy sauce, dill and sweet onions. Then I cooked that in a frying pan on the stove top. SO good! I served it with corn and sweet potato.

Today my eating has been good except for 2 sugar cookies this morning. Oops! (No wories - Jonny took them all to work with him today, so I won't have any more offenses) I've been snacking on dried fruit that I made on Sunday. So yummy but yet I make a batch of fruit and before you know it, it's all gone. Rats! For lunch I made up a quick spinach salad with pistachios, almonds, homemade dried tomatoes, vinegar & olive oil with 2 venison sausage patties cut up. Also good. Wishing I had an abundant supply of venison - year round. Oh well...I guess I will take what I can get. Going out to my mommas tonight. She's making chicken, squash, and cauliflower. I'm bringing salad and baked apples with almond butter in the center of them. Yum! Until next time...

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