Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok so I made up my own WOD last night. Totally gassed after taking so many days off. Wuh-wuh-wuh!

Thrusters 75#

Cool down:
Handstand Holds

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday 11/10 and the last few days...

Tuesday 11/10
Today was my first day back at the gym in a week as I was sick and still am. This cough keeps hanging on and I'm still congested. Super.

5 Rounds (Timed seperately - so I didn't further exacerbate this cough...) @ 55lbs

5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans (I always mess these up)
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats

Round 1: 1:14
Round 2: 1:11
Round 3: 1:08
Round 4: 1:12
Round 5: 1:08

Didn't go to the gym Wednesday (moving), Thursday (Metallica concert), Friday (lazy ass) or Saturday (moving again).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Calling all L1's...this if for you

So I'm going in for arthroscopic knee surgery on 12/28 and my doctor has already told me "no weights" until then. Yeah right! For one, my knee generally doesn't hurt me during WOD's and if it does, then I slow it down. Secondly, I'm stubborn and I'm not calling it a day before I'm supposed to get my L1. Here is where you come in: Knowing that I will be walking immediately after the surgery, in your opinion, am I still going to be okay for my L1 Cert that is a month post op?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Bear 11.4.09

Today was my first semi "healthy" day back at the gym. Half of my students are sick and my aide has the flu (and by half I mean 3 out of my 6 kids were out). Nice. It's no wonder I am battling this garbage. Anywho...

The Bear - initial thoughts: not bad, love lifting, loathe met-cons. This should be a good workout. Never even thought of it as a "complex". That's the real blond in me. :) I got this one off CF Regina up in Canada. Was intrigued and since I am back to building strength, I thought this would be a good one to do.

Next, let me just tell you what a dumb ass I am. I wrote this down as "5 Rounds of 7 reps - Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press". Then I got to thinking that maybe the second push press should actually be shoulder press. Duh! I did this with 55# and instead of breaking the WOD up correctly, I read it as: do 7 power cleans, then 7 front squats, then 7 push presses, followed by 7 back squats and finally 7 shoulder presses. Repeat this for 5 rounds. I must be a ruh-tard because that is TOTALLY wrong! Since I didn't want to make this too "met-connish", I did each round while timing myself and then I gave myself a 3 minute rest before I started the next round. Let me also add that by the second round, I was no longer able to do the shoulder press with good form so I changed it back to push press (like it was supposed to be).

Round 1 - 2:26
Round 2 - 2:13
Round 3 - 2:29
Round 4 - 1:54
Round 5 - 1:54

Overall I give this workout 2 thumbs up and would tell anyone to go for it. But before you do...make sure you watch this video first OR have someone who knows what the eff they're doing demonstrate it for you. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friggin' Knee

Went to the docs yesterday. Result: torn medial meniscus. I. Knew. It. So...doing arthroscopic surgery on 12/28 to take the rest of it out. Note - this is knee surgery numero tres on my left knee and the second one dealing with my meniscus. Maybe I can get a "frequent shoppers" discount....?

Okay...I'm out.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday 11/2

Coming down with something. Feel like crap. Just want to go home and sleep. Think I'm passing up the gym today so that I can get over feeling like crap.

CF Total 11/1

Did a CrossFit total for the first time since 9/23. Haven't made much improvement at all since 1.) I haven't been working out as consistently as I should and 2.) I haven't been eating paleo.
:( Wuh-wuh-wuh. My numbers only went up in one area.

Deadlift 185
Shoulder Press 75
Back Squat 145

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Deadlift 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Threw in some handstand holds between reps.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Met Con

Warm Up:
Handstand holds
Jump rope/attempting double unders
Shoulder pass through

5 Rounds for time: 18:35 (I think...)
15 ring dips (no rings available)
15 sit ups
15 squats
Run a lap

Got a side stitch on the last lap in my left side and also my left knee began to ache. No just bullsh*tting this knee thing either. Went to my orthopedic doctor on Tuesday of last week, had the MRI on Wednesday and I go for the results on November 2nd. Doc thinks I might've messed up my meniscus...again. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another day at the gym

Backsquats 5-5-5-3-3-1-1
Warmed up with handstand holds and jump roping. Waited around to get the only backsquat bar and quickly remembered how much I hate Globo Gym. Typical Globo Gym goers routine: Lift a set, stand around, get a drink, change the song on my iPod, look at myself in the mirror, repeat. Argh! Finally got on the bar and warmed up with 45# bar. I can say that my squat is pretty damn good (and I'm also pretty damn short) because I was banging the bar on the "safety" bar type thing that would keep my bar from completely dropping to the floor and crushing me. No it wasn't a Smith machine. Took my shoes off as I don't have WL shoes yet and anticipated getting yelled at again for not having my shoes on. Another argh!

Yesterday I stated that the Melissa Byers post really got me motivated. However, in part of her post she said that she was only allowed to whine for 10 mins and then get over it and workout. Keep in mind, she is going to a CF box to train. Keep in mind, I am at a Globo Gym. When I bitch and moan it's no longer about the strength I have lost, but what idiots the other gym goers are and how much I miss the box at PCF (and let's not forget the people at PCF too). Gotta love getting interrupted by some meat head when I'm banging out my sets of 5-5-5-3-3-1-1 and he is going to do a few reps and then rest twice as long. Argh.

Ok - signing off for now folks.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm not good....

...about posting on this thing every day! So here it is...

Friday 10/23
5 sets for time - 10 front squats 65-65-65-55-55-(45 bar)
10 push jerks 65-65-65-55-55-(45 bar)
Couldn't remember if it was 5 sets or 6 sets so I did 5 and then added another set on afterward. Don't know my time because my watch malfunctioned. Last time I checked it was high 8's so I'd say really high 8 mins or low 9 mins.

Monday 10/26
Warm up: handstand holds, bodyweight squats and dumb bell swings 30#

Deadlift: Round 1 - 5 reps @ 60% max = 75#
Round 2 - 5 reps @ 90% max = 125#

Shoulder Press: Same thing as above = 45# and 60#

Push Press: Same as above = 45# and 60#

Cool down: handstand holds and jump rope (singles)

Quick explanation behind today's workout: I was reading Melissa Byer's blog and I could totally relate to her whole "Life Stuff" getting in the way of our schedules/routines. Like Byers, my workout ethic, eating habits and sleeping habits have been sh*t since July. After moving back to New York, I took a huge hiatus from the gym. I used my aching knees and the lack of a CF box as my excuse not to join a Globo Gym. Basically, I had every excuse as to why I didn't couldn't work out. No bueno! I thought by signing up for my L1 Cert I'd get my ass in gear....however that really hasn't happened yet. So far, I've had a few good weeks, mixed in with a few crappy weeks. Byer's post really hit home with me when she talked about how sh*tty she felt when she did go to the gym because she had lost so much strength. My met con times suck ass and my strength has plummeted. Although a lot of it simply has to do with not going to the gym...there is also eating poorly and never getting enough sleep. So this is my public pledge to make an honest attempt at getting better in all 3 arenas! For the next 4-6 weeks, I am going to be following Crossfit 603's program of lifting 4 times a week and slowly building back up my strength. This means lots of deadlifts, presses etc. I'm going to love it! Starting November 1st, I will also be weighing and measuring my food, something I've never done. So there it is folks. Time to get strong again!

Friday, October 23, 2009

WOD Updates 10/19 & 10/21

Monday 10/19
Run 400 M
30 DL @ 135#
10 burpees
Run 400 M
20 DL @ 135#
20 burpees
Run 400 M
10 DL @ 135#
30 burpees
Time: S-L-O-W = 28:57 (with a pee break in there...)

Really loved this workouk despite the running and burpees! ;) Was initially worries about someone trying to move in on my bar when I went outside to run, but luckily no one did. Did most DL's in sets of 10 and burpees in sets of 5.

Wednesday 10/21
Today I did Snatch Balance instead of the PCF WOD. Numbers looked like this:
10 Reps @ 45#
3 Reps @ 50#
3 Reps @ 55#
3 Reps @ 60#
3 Reps @ 65#
1RM @ 70#
1 last solid rep @ 60# before I called it a day

Was focusing on form today though I still wanted to go a tad heavier. I get nervous being in Globo Gym and knowing that I can’t ditch the weight (not rubber plates and it's against the "gym rules". Feel like I was effing up my footing/stance after the initial dip/drive into squat position. Liked working on this though. Could definitely use coaching on better form.

Friday, October 16, 2009


So….I did this one last night at the gym in the apartment complex. When I say “limited resources”…I mean really LIMITED!

Shoulder press: 50# (two 25# dumbbells) Would have liked to try something a little higher, but the next step up was 30’s and I was only looking for a 5 pound increase.

Push press: 50-60-70
Again, didn’t have many choices as far as weight, so I didn’t get to try 75#.

Maybe next time….

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Triathlons or Crossfit?

Ok kids. So I started this blog right around this time last year. And as you can see, I pretty much suck at blogging. But at least I tried...right? ;)

(Oh...and this was supposed to be about my first year as a newbie triathlete. Well, long story short...I did 1 relay and 1 sprint distance this year and had to back out of my half because of 1) lack of time to train due to moving and life in general and 2) a bum knee. Since I already have this blog, I figured why not just use this for Crossfit? So here it is.)

But I digress....Irecently moved to New York and I am loving ALMOST everything about it. However, that one certain thing is missing: my crossfit gym, Potomac Crossfit. Without that place and those people, my "working out" ethic has pretty much went down the sh*tter. And that's putting it nicely! So this is my vow to get my a$$ in gear, suck it up and hit up my local Globo Gym. In an effort to really keep me motivated, I have signed up for my Level 1 Cert for the end of January! Ya-hoooo! :) I'll be heading down to Crossfit King of Prussia where I'll meet up with fellow PCFer Kassi. Super ya-hoooo! Between now and then, I need to clean up my act! B-I-G-T-I-M-E! Stay tuned as I attempt (again....and at some point ;) ) to do the paleo cleanse and finally start measuring! Until then...be happy that you have a box to train at! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April already?

Ok so...it is officially half way through April and I can honestly say I have taken the last 13 days off from all physical activity that includes Crossfit, running, biking or swimming. AND....I am doing the bike leg of the Rumpass in Bumpass Oly this weekend in Lake Anna, VA. Yikes! Well, actually...I did go to the gym on April 1st but that's it. And I did try to go while I was in Florida on Spring Break but the gym was only open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Who does that?! So I blame Crossfit Weston for having such crazy hours and that's why I couldn't work out. (Please don't point out that I could have done a WOD at home or even ran....because I know this, but it's easier to place the blame. Hehe). :) I did do a few bodyweight squats while I was taking Peanut out to go pee but that means nothing. So that's all folks. Happy belated Easter and Passover. I hope you are all doing splendid. Toodles!

Spring break pic. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

First week of March....already?

Hello hello! So I figured I would fill you in - if anyone really reads this. It was my first official week of tri training and what a great week of weather we had for it (minus the snow VA got last Monday). Friday - Sunday we had temps up to 80. Keep in mind it's March and I live in northern Virginia. Woo-hoo to that! Friday I did Crossfit. Saturday I was going to go to the gym but skipped it so I could sleep a little longer and then go to a St. Patty's day parade. Sunday I slept in, ate breakfast and headed to the gym. Oh - but wait. My goofy self had Saturday's gym schedule in my head and so I showed up at noon only to find that the last class (that I could attend anyways...) was just ending. Rats! If I would have known that I was going to mess that one up then A.) I could have gone earlier or B.) I could have gone on my tri team group run. Wuh-wuh-wuh! But....at least I'd be going to swim practice Sunday night....or so I thought. I had to work at good ol' Smoothie King from 3-9:30 Sunday and I was sure I'd be able to cut out for an hour and a half to go to swim practice. Well that wasn't the case. Because of the warm temps we were slammed! We usually get out of there at 9:30 on a Sunday night. Yeah...not so much last night. I didn't get home until almost 10:30. Needless to say my weekend was filled with activities but not many of them actually included training.

On a more training friendly note....I'll only be teaching this week so I have Crossfit classes and swim/run practice on my calendar for Monday - Thursday. I have company coming into town late Thursday night so the swim/ run thing is going to take a backseat. Though I will be hitting up the Crossfit gym on Saturday so that Jonny (my in-town visitor) can see why I rave about Crossfit. I can't wait! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I lied...

I did not start training for my tri season this month. I didn't even run! :( But...I have been going to the gym! Woo-hoo! I officially graduated from my Foundations class at Potomac Crossfit on February 11th. Two days later I left for New York to see my family, only to return to Virginia, but not the gym! Wuh-wuh-wuh! Twelve days (yes, you read that correctly) went by before I managed to make it back to the gym. However, this is now my third day back and I already feel better.

In tri news (that is what this blog is supposed to be about right? LOL) I have a preseason meeting with my tri team, Team Z, this Saturday. Next week we get things started with clinics and whatnot, along with good old fashioned run/bike/swim workouts. Surprising, I know! ;)

So that's all I really have to report for now. Nothing too exciting, but at least I am posting on here. Let's see if I get better about that now that my "sports" life is picking back up. Until next time...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, I have been off on another blogging hiatus again. It seems life has a way of keeping me busy and since I haven't been training, I haven't been blogging. To catch things up to speed a bit, I spent Thanksgiving & Christmas in New York with my family, but returned to DC for New Year's Eve. What a night that was! :0)

On Saturday before my break ended, I made sure to test out a new class at Potomac Crossfit. Needless to say, I couldn't walk down the stairs without feeling like my legs would buckle any second until Tuesday! Yikes! I am excited to begin my regular Foundations classes on January 19th, though I am not sure how my body will hold up to a Monday & Wednesday work out schedule..?

In other news I test rode some bikes over the weekend and seemed to fall in love with the Cervelo P1, formally known as the P2 SL. Even though I test rode the P2C, I couldn't feel the difference that the carbon frame made. Maybe that's my neophyte thinking, maybe it's because it was such a short test ride. Either way, I am saving my pennies to get the new P1. :0)
Which brings me to my MOST exciting news.....I officially signed up for Timberman 70.3!
Woo-hoo! It's funny how just registering for an event can put you in such a euphoric place! :o) :o)

And so...I will end on that high note. For now I probably won't be blogging too frequently....not until February that is. That's when I decided to start training for my March 26th race - the GW Parkway 10 Miler. And that folks, is when my season officially begins!
Until next time....be healthy & happy!